I mentioned, a few weeks ago, that I'm going to start trading on youtube. I needed to build a little street cred and make some trades with some of the most reputable youtube traders out there. Since there aren't a lot of people that have Foreign Language Llanowar Elves on their wants lists, I have to trade from my real trade binder for the first few trades.
I posted the first confirmation video about a week ago. These are the next two confirmation videos:
I've actually made 4 trades from the Donations to Something binder since I made these trades. So this plan worked out magically. I'll post those trades as soon as I get the cards in the mail.
Also, I'm kickin' around an idea for a new Magic webshow. I don't know if we're going to actually do it, but its a fun idea and it wouldn't take a lot of work to produce.
Thanks for reading,
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